Firstly, thanks Najihah for your invitation to join this segment. I would love to join it! Btw, your blog is cute! xD
Okey now, the moment of truth! hehehe The reason why I love blogging. Erm kinda hard to explain because there are no such words that can express my feeling whenever I get near to a laptop. My fingers will become like the squid's tentacles, hohoho ^0^ I just love to write in a laptop, not book, sorry ^_^ For me, blogging is a great and fun medium for us to maybe express our feeling or communicate with the people outside. For my personal reason, really2 deep from my heart, the reason why i love blogging is i just want to share something beneficial in my blog instead of just writing unappropriate post or article for people to read. Just remember one thing, you will be asked for something that you had written. Allah always watch us. Everything we wrote, make sure, it is not too exxagerate and most important always brings other's mind to remember and worship Allah. Wallahua'alam..
Maybe that's all. Sorry for the really2 Manglish here. I am just trying to write in English. But, yah, see the consequences, bad bad bad, haha..
Here's the banner, click for the sake of blogging! weee ^0^
Next, the printscreen!
Trust me! Trust me! I am now one of your meletop follower..yeeayy!!